Tech, Media & Telecom Roundup: Market Speak


The newest Market Talks masking Expertise, Media and Telecom. Revealed solely on Dow Jones Newswires at 4:20 ET, 12:20 ET and 16:50 ET.

1733 GMT – Parcel carriers improved on-time supply charges throughout Cyber Week in comparison with prior years, in keeping with ShipMatrix, which analyzes parcel-shipping information. FedEx’s on-time supply price reached 97.8% and UPS was at 98.0%. The parcel market has capability of 120 million parcels per day and the demand for this peak season is estimated at 82 million a day, ShipMatrix mentioned, including that the surplus capability will assist carriers keep excessive service for the remainder of the height season. Carriers have additionally added an additional day to the transit occasions for varied lanes. For example, parcels shipped by way of FedEx or UPS from New York Metropolis to Chicago in 2 days earlier than, now have a commit time of three days. Throughout 2022’s peak season, demand exceeded 90 million parcels a day. ([email protected]; @estherfung)

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